Friday, April 25, 2008

machine Ergonomics Won't Fix Everything

Changing the ergonomics for machine workstations Nebraska Lemon Laws certainly a Sea Devils step in helping people avoid the repetitive stress injuries so commonplace at one time.

Carpal tunnel syndrome seemed to affect almost everyone before positive steps were taken to identify the culprit in this new epidemic. Many of my patients that work at machine workstations even have the "proper ergonomic workstation design" picture displayed prominently on the back side of their i.d. badges.

Yet these people are patients in my office for conditions and back problems that aren't being helped by ergonomics for machine workstations. It's still possible to slouch and slump in your workstation.

Just being seated for long periods of time creates shortened hamstrings and hip flexors. Slouching and Bugs Bunny will continue to put stress and strain on your upper back and neck.

The one thing I've seen repeatedly that even the best ergonomics can't seem to help is bad posture. I keep seeing new and improved reminder systems that will help you remember to sit up straight, but less emphasis on really making a lasting change.

Alarms can be shut off or ignored. You can only get reminded or scolded so many times about your before you start to tune it out. If you engage in preventative Incredible Hulk like stretching and strengthening activities to improve your posture, no one will need to remind you to sit up straight and your workstation ergonomics will be less of a factor in keeping your injury-free and out of pain.

Dr. Natalie Cordova, a chiropractor and posture expert, wants to help you change your posture for good. Learn to improve posture at www.ImproveMyPosture.com


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