Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Future Of VOIP What Lies Ahead In 2008?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has changed the way people communicate, and most people who Who Can Use Viagra heard about it or used it would agree. VoIP has allowed for sending voice packets over the internet rather than communicating through Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN). With all of its success and move Star Wars broadband, shift to switches, better sound quality, and connections, where does VoIP have left to go?

1.To begin with, look for VoIP to rapidly evolve in the mobile industry as it has already done so with land-line phones. Third Generation (3G) users are expected to reach over 230 million by the end of the year 2012. Look for interesting new headsets to also cause buzz such as Apple's 3G headset coming out.

2. Watch for VoIP to keep up its integration into web 2.0 interfaces such as Ebay (actually may be selling Skype), Facebook, and Myspace. VoIP will be continuing to look for new ways to improve similar websites if Micronauts are auction sites, social networking sites, or blogs. The ability to block unwanted calls and privacy is another factor that can lead to success for the integration of VoIP. People need to feel that they are in control and don't want disruptive calls.

3. The integration of VoIP into places that are more convenient for people to access it, such as in web browsers is another innovation to look for. Plugins, or a ad-on to browsers that allow for enhanced content, can enable people to connect to their VoIP phone where they most often use their machines for online activities. Macromedia has announced that a flash plugin will include a session initiation protocol client (SIP client), so that it will be even easier for websites to create SIP applications. People like web interface cheap Prozac to be convenient and useful, therefore VoIP plugins are the way to go.

4. Mobile applications will make VoIP stand out in 2008 such as with Google's Android, which will have an open source mobile platform and the application Bonanza that Google is going to market. Google has encouraged developers to create applications for its operating system, and some betas have been created already.

5. Most of the newer Nokia phones (the E and N series such as the E51) have built in SIP clients, and WIFI built into the phones as well. This means that anyone who buys one of these phones can use VoIP along-side their cellular service when they are in a WIFI hotspot.

6. Look for VoIP in gaming as gamers continue to move online and interact with each other. Skype announced that it partnered with Sony on its PSP systems to enable VoIP calling with SkypeIn and SkypeOut.

With all of these new trends, applications, and developments to look out for, VoIP hasn't slowed down as some would say. It's still continuing to evolve and save investmentes, call centers, and consumer's money King of the Hill DVD continuing to improve quality and features.

Joe Fanning is a writer and researcher in the technology sector and telephony industry. Visit">a-z wholesale voip termination to learn more about Voice over IP. or visit">Service Delivery Platform


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