Sunday, May 4, 2008

Cheesy Pick Up Lines That Are Great For Attracting Women

You're in a club and you've spotted a drop dead gorgeous girl on Meridia other side of the room - what are you Gimmegimme to do about it?

For many men, their honest answer would be "nothing". They spend the evening rooted to the spot, pint in hand, staring through the crowds in the hopes that willpower alone will iron man movie that hot chick closer. I don't need to tell you that this approach is doomed to failure - if there's one way to guarantee that nothing will happen with a girl, it's to do absolutely nothing to attract her.

No, if you want a hot chick's name and number, the only way to get it is to go on over there and talk to her.

But what if you believe that that's easier said than done?

Approaching a woman unprepared can seem like a terrifying prospect. We know that we need to seem witty, smart and sexy if we're going to hold her attention, but we also know that our brains cannot be relied upon to present us in our best light. Faced with a gorgeous girl, addled with alcohol, and in the full knowledge that all our friends are watching us, we having a sneaking suspicion that we'll somehow find ourselves telling her about snails or the price of bin bags.

This is where corny pick up lines come in. Armed with a great one liner, we can go over to that girl safe in the knowledge that the first Alaska Lemon Laws to come out of our mouth will be amusing.

But do pick up lines really work? After all, girls seem to spend so much time complaining about the terrible lines which men have attempted to use on them, it's enough to give any guy doubts. Are our favorite one liners really so cocky, cliched or downright tacky that we haven't a hope of success?

Not necessarily. Pick up lines can be a powerful as welll, but you have to learn to use them well.

Start by avoiding any lines which have been around longer than you have. "If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it once morest me?" might have worked in your grandfather's day, but modern chicks associate it with seventies sit-coms. Likewise, any line which involves angels or phoning her mother.

Steer clear of saying anything which involves as well much staging or as well many props. It might seem witty to intentionally spill a drink, crush the ice cubes underfoot, then remark, "Now that the ice is broken, how about it?", but it's a waste of a good drink and it isn't going to reap you any rewards. If your pick up line is as well intricate or as well well rehearsed, the girl will assume that you try it with every chick in a short enough skirt, and will quickly shoot you down.

Finally, don't resort to lines which are crude or offensive. Even if all you're after is a one night wonder, jokes about genitals will put her right off.

Instead, keep your pick up lines brief, flattering and convincingly original.

But do bear in mind that chicks these days know exactly what you're up Hogan's Heroes A corny pick up line might get her laughing, but the real magic is in how you say it.

Be self-deprecating. Try delivering your line, then grinning and laughing at yourself, telling her, "I'm sorry, I know that's really terrible - I just wanted an excuse to come and talk to you." This approach is funny, it's friendly and it's extremely flattering - it short, it ticks all her boxes.

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