Friday, May 30, 2008

Acne Medicine - From Mild To Maximum

There are a tremendous number of lifestyle factors consolidation debt management money could be responsible for placing you among the millions of people who suffer mortgage quote on line acne. You may be able to control some of them, like IRS trouble diet, your skin care regimen, and the levels of stress in your life. On the other hand, you may be genetically predisposed to developing acne, and if so, you may have to spend your time on combating it instead of preventing it. Your dermatologist may prescribe either topical or oral acne medicine or antibiotics. Even with acne medicine, severe acne may take months to clear.

Choosing The Right Acne Medicine

One mistake many acme sufferers make is to panic at the first sign of a flareup and grab the strongest acne medicine they can get their hands on, often spending money needlessly. If you have a mild acne outbreak, you may not need to do anything except wash with an oil free accident claim because your body's immune system just might take care of the problem in a matter of days. If your outbreaks are severe, seek help from a dermatologist, so you don't aggravate your acne by choosing the wrong acne medicine.

Regardless of why you get acne, as long as you are only afflicted with a mild flare-up, you won't have to resort to any of the harsher acne medicine to relieve your condition. You may, in fact, be able to eliminate a mild acne inflammation without resorting to acne medicine at all.

Let Your Body Do Its Thing

Your body's immune response is perfectly capable of warding off all kinds of minor infections, Celexa the ones which result in acne. You may find that your acne simply disappears spontaneously after three or four days, as long as you are careful to wash with a mild, oil free soap twice daily and protect your skin from any substances which might cause inflammation.

Acne Medicine For Severe Outbreaks

If, however, you are unfortunate enough to develop an acne outbreak which is both stubborn and painful, you should head as soon as you can to the dermatologist or doctor, and get some advice as to the appropriate acne medicine. Don't take it on yourself to prescribe your own acne treatment regimen if you have severe outbreaks. Doing so may aggravate your condition rather than improving it.

Most dermatologists or doctors will recommend topical acne medicine like benzyl peroxide or lotions to eliminate the bacteria which cause acne inflammation. These acne medicines are usually effective in a matter of days, but if they don't work for you when applied as directed, you may need a stronger form of acne medicine. And that means a return visit to your doctor.

Either Accutane or ProActiv is an acne medicine which requires a prescription, and both are highly effective. You will not, however, be allowed to use them if you are either pregnant or breastfeeding.

For especially stubborn and severe cases, he prescription may be for an antibiotic to be taken orally. Your doctor may even have to resort to draining your acne pimples, and then have you follow up with a course of oral mybeautyhelp/acne/your-acne-scar-removal-options-60antibiotic acne medicine. Acne of this severity may linger for quite a while, and it is not unusual to wait as long as two months for it to finally clear.

Acne Scar Removal

If you have suffered from a major acne outbreak, you might have developed some unsightly scars. But don't despair; there are now laser treatments which can eliminate acne-related skin blemished and scarring. Once you have been free of acne outbreaks for a sufficient period, you can approach your dermatologist to see what your scar and blemish removal options are.

You can also find more info on mybeautyhelp/category/acneacne and mybeautyhelp/acne/acne-remedies-47acne remedies. Mybeautyhelp is a comprehensive resource to get help about beauty.